Join Health-A-Pedia
“Health-A-Pedia”, a collaborative book of 40 World Changers within the Six Pillars of Health sharing their stories, has started the path!
Find out how you can join Dr Jo Dee Baer to Share your Story and Become an Author in the Next Upcoming Compilation Projects!
Meet Dr Jo Dee Baer
Dr Jo Dee is an International Best Selling Author in 49 Countries over the last three years- in 29 different categories
She speaks on International Stages weekly around these award-winning publications, and she will coach you how!
New to writing? The coaching process will guide you every step of the way!
No time to write, but want your story out into the world? We can support you with this process too!
Become An Author
Become An Author
Do You have a Story to Share as a Woman in “Health-A-Pedia: Women’s Essence”?
Join Others with a Powerful Story to Tell and Inspire the World!

“Health isn’t something you do,
but what you become along life’s journey.”
– Dr. Jo Dee Baer
Our Vision is to empower one million lives in all of the Six Pillars of human existence: Spiritually, Physically, Mentally, Emotionally, Socially, and Financially to enable them to step into their greatness. We do this by teaching you how to Integrate simple and effective tools into your life:
SPIRITUAL - Daily meditation
PHYSICAL - Integrating Qui Gong in fitness modalities.
MENTAL - Focusing on an Attitude of Gratitude.
EMOTIONAL - Boosting your energy through your subconscious mind.
SOCIAL - Expressing and accepting love and respectful communication.
FINANCIAL - Manifest dreams in both health and wealth accounts.

Dr. Jo Dee Baer is America’s top Foundational Health Coach and Holistic Nutritionist and an alternative health pioneer for 42 Years. Her Foundational Health Approach has allowed clients to lose over 1,000,000 lbs. of toxic fat and KEEP IT OFF! In the COVID ERA, she was honored to assist over 2000 clients in reversing health ailments and regaining their health.
"I’m honored to collaborate in sharing my expertise and experience and truly empowering others from a ‘setback is only a set up for a comeback mindset.’ With a unique collaborative book and four-month mastermind with branding, marketing, and monetizing, I am excited to assist you on this journey to elevating your health for lifelong benefits with some of the most outstanding and renowned health professionals in the industry.
As a Board Member, Advocacy Council for Alternative Medicine Practitioners (ACAMP)—I remain in the inner circle of the latest foundational health protocols and practices to train and empower the NEXT Generation of Healers."
-- Dr. Jo Dee Baer
There is strength in numbers! Joining the Health-A-Pedia opportunity that spotlights your skills while teaming up with other exemplary individuals who share your passion elevates everyone’s influence.
All are focused on the best outcome: magnifying exposure and exponentially increasing the book’s impact.
Your costs are often lower than self-publishing and the book can reach best-selling status internationally in multiple countries, which solo authors often cannot accomplish. As an added bonus, you and your fellow authors will form lasting relationships and partnerships that will catapult you toward greater fulfillment and global impact.

Are you one with a story to share about your health journey as a woman?
Do you have a moment where everything changed with your health and life?
Are you a woman with health expertise with a Story and Philosophy to share with the world?
Energy, Vitality, Longevity—These are three components everyone aspires to, but the knowledge to do so is an acquired skill.
Health-A-Pedia is built along the Six Pillars of Human Existence: Spiritual, Physical, Mental, Emotional, Social, and Financial.
Write your story, your health, your philosophy, and change the world: One Foundational Health Moment at a time.

Your Investment Includes:
Brainstorming & Editing Support-THREE Edits: Including a polish
7-8 Pages of your story and Philosophy of Health with Action Steps: You own the content
Algorithm 99% guarantee International Best Selling Status
Presently an author? Elevates your solo book by default
Elevates your message with Public Speaking and spreading your message in the World of Health
Media Upselling and Television Exposure and Brand Enhancement with Traverse TV (500K viewership)
Marketing and Media with Rise Up Marketing on “Business Innovator’s Magazine” and “Authority Press Wire with 380 newsworthy media stations
Elevates Business Brand with current and future clients
Category Creator: Automatic Authority in your field
Organic Content Creation with Internet Specialists
Collaboration and Networking with like minded individuals
Receive 10 physical copies of your book to sell and distribute to family, friends, and clients
YOUR HEALTH Story or Philosophy with some of the greatest and most renowned professionals in health & healing
Participate in Post Book Launch 5 Event/City Live and Virtual Tour: Beginning September 2023
Monthly Health-A-Pedia Masterminds with Rev. Share Opportunities amongst Healthcare Professionals
Purchase Your Chapter
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