Senior Eating Tips

A young middle school-aged boy barrels through the house exclaiming “Mom, I’m starving”! Yet, he’s just had a full meal less than an hour ago. That ‘hollow leg’ syndrome is not a sign of starving, but of thriving with a high metabolism burning at optimum efficiency. 

As we age, our metabolism slows down commensurately with our appetite and ability to digest.  When our digestion decreases, so is the ability produce our (NKT) Natural Killer T-Cells.  Conversely, the comment made by descendant family members often goes somewhat like this: “Uncle Sam just withered away. He just lost his appetite.”

This pattern can immeasurably slowed down or even be reversed with simple daily steps by the Elderly Senior or Care Taker.  There are Three Key Techniques that can assist this process for senior living success:

1.)    Have a daily plan for meal grazing. These 5 to 7 occasional ‘snacks’ throughout the day can be as simple as nut butter on a whole grain cracker. Correct food combining is key.  By maintaining food combinations that lend themselves to the Alkalinity Side, foods have better success for absorbability.  For ideas on successful food combining:


2.)    Juicing fruits and vegetables is the most efficient way to consume the necessary daily vitamins and minerals  than any other nutritional modality.  Adding a scoop of grass-fed collagen peptides and/or a scoop of vegan protein powder is another variety alternative.  The “Green Miracle Drink” recipe below makes four servings. Juice this  in advance and refrigerate in glass Mason JarsTM


3.)    Juicing fruits and vegetable is the most efficient way to consume the necessary daily vitamins and mineral-than any other nutritional modality.  Adding a scoop of grass-fed collagen peptides and/or a scoop of vegan protein powder is another variety alternative. The “Green Miracle Drink” recipe below makes four servings. Juice this-in advance and refrigerate in glass Mason Jars™  for a great lunch treat.  Adjust the amounts according to food preferences, but each ingredient is designed to stimulate digestion, circulation, and metabolism:



4.)    It paramount to stimulate an Elder Senior’s taste buds. The sense of taste diminishes with age.  Using Traditional Chinese Medicine’s Five Element Theory and relating the body’s deficiencies to each organ of the body is an integral part of maintaining optimal health and the most essential component with Elderly Seniors.   Think of the five flavors as a pack of Life Savers Candy. The five flavors: Bitter, Salty, Sour, Sweet, and Spicey.  Each of these flavors feed into regenerating the body’s organs:  bitter-heart and intestines; salty- lungs and kidneys; sour-liver and eyes; sweet- gall-bladder and stomach; spicey-circulation. Eating foods with all five flavors multiple times a day will stimulate digestion and immunity. Remember this rhyme with meal/snack planning:

“Look, Taste, and Smell

Keep the Body Well.”

Food Cravings are a part of living but are often triggers of a nutritional deficiency.  A ‘sweet tooth’ may be a magnesium deficiency; ‘bread and pasta’ a nitrogen deficiency; ‘salty-chips’ a chloride deficiency; ‘fried-oily foods’ may mean a calcium deficiency.

Bring in energy with nutrition and a winning combination for optimal health is created! The brain Audiomersion™ of Confidence Tones trains brain and body in all six pillars of human existence:  to be the miracle making machine it was designed to be- well into elderly living. ‘Energy creates Vitality which transcends to Longevity.’ ™

For ‘NO food tastes and good as health feels.’ ™ Give the body what it needs, at any age, and it will heal itself.

Dr. Jo Dee Baer PhD

“Wellness with Jo Dee”

  • 40+ years: Certified Health Coach/Holistic Nutritionist

  • 1,200 Corporate Clients; International Best-Selling Author

  • Career Client Success: Excess of 1,000,000 pounds of accumulated toxic weight loss within her client base, and 2000+ Natural COVID Immunity Remedy/Enhancement Clients

  • Member of the NSA – National Speaker’s Association

  • Board Member, Advocacy Council for Alternative Medicine Practitioners (ACAMP)

  • Weekly Syndicate Radio Show Host: www.buildfortunesradio.comWellness Coach Jo Dee”

  • KPMedia TV Host: “Life’s Milkshake Moments”



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